School Uniform

Easterside Academy expects children to wear school uniform and parents to support us in this.  We believe that uniform is a way of bringing the children together and helping them express pride in their school.  

It is also an important preparation for future expectations in secondary school. Uniform with the academy logo can be ordered through ‘Lollipops’. Wearing uniform with the academy logo is optional. 

All of the uniform below is required. Please also see the photos in the flyer at the bottom of this page. 

Our school uniform is:

  • Navy blue sweatshirt / jumper / cardigan - worn all year round.
  • Grey trousers / skirt / pinafore dress - worn all year round.
  • White polo shirt - worn all year round. 
  • In the summer children may wear a blue gingham dress and / or grey shorts.
  • Red hooded top can be purchased from Lollipops for outdoor learning and PE sessions in the colder months.
  • A pair of wellies for outdoor play and learning (OPAL). 

Suitable black footwear must be worn at all times.  Open toed shoes are not appropriate due to health and safety reasons.

No Jewellery should be worn in school.

No Apple / SMART watches should be worn. Other watches can be worn if not causing a distraction to teaching and learning. 

Our P.E. school uniform is:

  • Dark shorts – Navy blue or black -worn all year round. 
  • Red t-shirt - worn all year round. 
  • Black plimsolls or trainers - worn all year round. 
  • Red hooded top can be purchased from School Trends for outdoor learning and PE sessions in the colder months.

Pupils are expected to come to school in their PE kit on their PE days. 

Please do make sure all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name.


Updated: 26/07/2023 1.15 MB