
Staff at Easterside Academy work hard to develop good partnerships with parents and carers and this has been recognised through our recent achievement in gaining the Leading in Parental Partnership Award in April 2014.

There are many ways in which parents can become involved in the life of the school and in their child’s learning journey at Easterside.

Stay and Play

Parents of children in the Early Years (nursery and reception) are invited to stay and join in with planned activities every Thursday at the beginning of their child’s session. The timetable of activities are shared with parents termly and can be found in the Academy Calendar.

Open Mornings

Each team Key Stage 1 and 2 plans an ‘Open Morning’ for parents and carers. The morning usually starts with a short assembly in one of the halls followed by six activities that the parents and child do together. The activities are usually linked to a theme and/or a topic the children have been learning about at school. The morning ends with tea and coffee and a chance to reflect on what you have seen. These mornings are a huge success and a great opportunity to find out what your child’s learning is like in school!

Class Assemblies

Each class plans and delivers an assembly for their Key Stage and their parents each year.

Fund Raising

Each year Easterside Academy raises money both for the school and for charities. In the past this has included events such as the Macmillian Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning and the annual Summer Fair. We have fantastic parental support at these events!